Dan Moldovan

Dan I. Moldovan

Professor in the Computer Science Department
Co-Director of the Human Language Technology Research Institute at The University of Texas at Dallas

Human Language Technology Research Institute
Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas

Office: ECS South 3.410
Phone: (972) 883-4838
Fax: (972) 883-2399
Email: moldovan@hlt.utdallas.edu
Mailing: 800 West Campbell Road
EC31 Richardson, TX 75080-3021


B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest
M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Columbia University

Current Research

Major Projects

Recent Papers


Spring 2021

Natural language Processing (CS 6320)
Artificial Intelligence (CS 6364)

Courses Taught at UTD

Current PhD Students

PhD Graduates Supervised

  1. J. A. B. Fortes, "Algorithm Transformations for Parallel Processing and VLSI Architecture Design" May 1984
  2. Yu-Wen Tung, "Parallel Processing Models for Logic Programming" May 1986
  3. Manoel Fernando Tenorio, "Parallel Processing of Production Systems" May 1986
  4. Tsair-Chin Lin, "Mapping Algorithms into SIMD Computer Architectures" May 1986
  5. Chung-I Wu, "A Hierarchical Knowledge Based System for Airplane Recognition" December 1987
  6. Vishweshwar (Vish) Dixit, "Transformation Techniques for Parallel Processing of Production Systems" December 1987
  7. Steve Kuo, "Parallel Asynchronous Message-Driven Production Systems" December 1991
  8. W. Lee, "A Parallel Marker-Passing Computer for Knowledge Processing" August 1992
  9. Ronald F. Demara, "Parallelism, Design, and Performance of a Marker-Propagation Reasoning Architecture" December 1992
  10. Seungho Cha, "Reference Resolution in Natural Language Discourse" December 1993
  11. Minhwa Chung, "Parallel Natural Language Processing" August 1993
  12. Sang-Hwa Chung, "Speech Understanding on SNAP" August 1993
  13. Juntae Kim, "Semantic Knowledge Acquisition for Information Extraction from Texts on Parallel Marker-Passing Computer" August 1993
  14. Eric C. Lin, "Parallelism Analysis in Marker Propagation Networks" August 1994
  15. Stephen Kowalski, "Lingiustic Knowledge Acquisition from Texts" December 1994
  16. Anthony Frank Gallippi, "Noun Disambiguation in Texts" August 1996
  17. Chin-Yew Lin, "Topic Identification for Automated Text Summarization" May 1997
  18. Sanda Harabagiu, "Text Coherence Analysis" August 1997
  19. Mihai Surdeanu, "Distributed Question Answering" May 2001
  20. Rada Mihalcea, "Turning Implicit Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge via Word Semantics: a Model for Information Retrieval" December 2001
  21. Roxana Girju, "Text Mining for Semantic Relations" May 2002
  22. Adriana Badulescu, "Classification of Semantic Relations Between Nouns" December 2004
  23. Adrian Novischi, "Semantic Disambiguation of WordNet Glosses and Lexical Chains on Extended WordNet" December 2005
  24. Mithun Balakrishna, "Exploiting High-Level Knowledge Resources for Speech Recognition with Applications to Interactive Voice Response Systems" August, 2007
  25. Marian Olteanu, "Distortion Constraints in Statistical Machine Translation" August, 2007
  26. Marta Tatu, "Intentions in Text and Semantic Calculus" August, 2007
  27. Eduardo Blanco, "Composition of Semantic Relations and Semantic Representation of Negation" May, 2011
  28. Chris Davis, "A Framework for Representing Event Semantics in Modern Persian" August, 2011
  29. Tatiana Erekhinskaya, "Probabilistic Models for Text Understanding" December, 2014
  30. Linrui Zhang, "Neural Network Models for Text Understanding" May, 2019