UTD: Ensemble-Based Spatial Relation Extraction
Jennifer D'Souza and Vincent Ng.
Proceedings of the the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, pp. 862-869, 2015.
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SpaceEval (SemEval 2015 Task 8), which
concerns spatial information extraction, builds
on the spatial role identification tasks introduced
in SemEval 2012 and used in SemEval
2013. Among the host of subtasks presented
in SpaceEval, we participated in subtask 3a,
which focuses solely on spatial relation extraction.
To address the complexity of a
MOVELINK, we decompose it into smaller relations
so that the roles involved in each relation
can be extracted in a joint fashion without
losing computational tractability. Our system
was ranked first in the official evaluation,
achieving an overall spatial relation extraction
F-score of 84.5%.
BibTeX entry
author = {Jennifer D'Souza and Vincent Ng},
title = {{UTD}: Ensemble-Based Spatial Relation Extraction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation},
pages = {862--869},
year = 2015}